Flying with Baby

I have finally returned to work after 18 months on maternity leave! As I write this, I find myself reflecting on all the fun adventures I've been on with my baby, what I've learned, and how I've changed. 

In this last year and a half, I’ve flown 11 times with Sara (7 being by myself!) with most of our journeys lasting 12 hours from door to door. Each time was at a different developmental stage which made for an ever-evolving learning experience. 

I will admit, I am by no means a “pro” (especially when I see parents flying with multiple children!). That said, I still feel as though I have some advice to offer!... And my most important piece of advice: Be PREPARED!

Not only is this 100% within your control, but it will truly help out in the long run! Here is a list of items to bring with you on the plane:

  1. Stroller:

    It’s free! You can push a stroller all the way to your gate, and conveniently check it right before stepping onto the aircraft. No matter how small or big Sara was, the stroller would either carry her or our items (i.e. carry-on, etc.) which took a load off me! 

  2. Baby wrap/carrier:

    When it came time to board, I would strap Sara in it in order to go hands-free.

  3. Sucking device:

    During take-off and landing, offer a bottle/sippy cup/pacifier/sucking toy or free the nip to encourage your baby to suck and better cope with pressure changes in the cabin. 

  4. Extra clothing:

    I kid you not: Sara once had back-to-back blow-outs on our journey back east. I had dressed her to the nines for the flight; but alas, she was in her pajamas upon our arrival. 

  5. Snacks:

    For toddlers, it’s all about the snacks. I’ve always brought the “fun” food (i.e. Cheerios, Goldfish) with us to make traveling a little more entertaining for Sara. Healthy food can stay home! Plus, the slower it can be eaten, the longer they are distracted. [NOTE: Do not bring any allergen foods or high choking hazard foods to be safe.] 

  6. Medicine:

    Just in case they’re feeling uncomfortable due to pressure changes, it’s key to have infant Tylenol/Advil on hand. 

  7. Entertainment:

    Both Netflix and Crave allow users to download entertainment through their apps so that you can watch shows while on Airplane Mode. In addition, most airlines have a streaming app which you can also download ahead of time. 

Aside from suggesting you be as prepared as can be by packing all the essentials, there is an extra bit of wisdom I’d like to offer:

  • Pick seats at the back of the airplane.

    For whatever reason, people love to cram like sardines in the front! Yes, the toilet is nearby and all… but 9 out of the 11 times I’ve flown with Sara, I’ve had a whole row to ourselves because I chose to sit in the back. 

  • Show up early.

    Like… extra early! Aim to be there 2.5 hours before a domestic flight and 3.5 hours before an international flight. This way, you can check your bags, clear security (which can be a little bit more of a hassle with baby items), go through customs and relax. 

  • Trust that your baby will sleep.

    Either in the stroller walking around the airport or in your arms on the airplane, your baby will fall asleep. My last flight was super delayed; When we were finally taxiing out to the runway, all you could hear was crying babies. Once we took off, all the babies had passed out and peace was restored. Tip: Soak in those cuddles! The last time Sara slept on me like she does on flights was in her newborn days.

  • Don’t worry too much about others.

    If your baby cries, chances are that most passengers can’t really hear them over the loud noise of the engine. Don’t put too much stress or concern on other passengers; Nobody remembers the baby that cried on the flight anyways! 

There you have it: Tips for flying with your baby/toddler from a well-traveled pilot’s wife like myself. Enjoy your vacay!


Roadtripping with Toddlers