Our Favourite Children’s Books

I have always loved reading, and now I get to share that love with my children!

Books are the ultimate adventure companion. They travel well in backpacks, the chariot and in the car. The great thing about kids is that they actually love to read the same book over and over, so you don’t have to pack a bunch. Just find one that you all love!

Books help children learn about and understand the world around them, so this is a great way to support your outdoor adventures. You can use books to learn about local flora and fauna and then look out for it on your next camping trip. You can read about taking care of our natural spaces, and learn why it’s important to leave wildflowers undisturbed and give animals their space. Books can teach you songs and stories that make long hikes a little more fun and engaging for littles! 

In celebration of Canada Book Day, which falls annually on April 23, I am sharing some of my family’s favourite outdoorsy books. 

I hope you enjoy these! Please share your favourite too! My family is always on the lookout for a new favourite book. 

Happy reading! 


What Cold Plunges Did For Me