What Cold Plunges Did For Me

You might be wondering what cold dips have to do with being a mother. The answer is simple: You have to do what satisfies you in the midst of the chaos these little people bring you.

In the middle of my second and current maternity leave, I was restless. I was feeling a little less travelled and a lot more stuck than I thought I would be this time around. We’re a year into a new house mortgage and my husband just started his own business. We couldn’t just pick up and leave whenever I felt the desire.

I’d heard about cold plunges before, and about how they’re supposed to be good for your mind and body. Without doing any further research, I decided to try it out on a daily basis for the month of November. I allowed myself to miss a day or two, and not beat myself up… But I did it!

What scared me the most at the start was not knowing what was around me in the lake! But then the benefits quickly outweighed the unknown. There were some pretty instantaneous side effects: I felt strong, confident and happier. After a while, my husband noted how I didn’t freak out while getting in the water. I’d just walk out and plop myself down!

Some days were sunny and warm, and others were - 26° C and snowy. Honestly, the latter were the best days - The days where the air was way colder than the water, where you could see the fog rolling above the lake like steam and the birds playing along the shore like you weren’t there.

For those 5 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about who ate what, when to take Oaklyn to the dayhome, potty training, nursing or anything. I was just trying to calm my breathing and enjoy being in the moment. Meanwhile, my husband, Steven, would sit in the vehicle and time me while our kids were either napping or being entertained by him.

After the first month I was hooked! I would now consider myself a cold dip plunger extraordinaire.

I continued to go to Gap Lake well past November. Ever since an unfortunate encounter with a muskrat (in which I spotted a muskrat, avoided it for a couple of days, finally dipped in and the muskrat popped up beside me causing me to scream, fall over and run ashore), I’ve looked and gone elsewhere. I have a few spots along the Bow River that I love. Part of the fun is searching for new spots to go. I don’t go everyday, but I aim for 3 times a week. My son says: “Mama go swimmin’. I not go swimmin’… It’s too cold!” and that’s just the way I like it.

So here’s some of my advice on how to cold plunge like a pro:

  • Park as close as you can to the spot. The further away you park, the more towels/warm clothes you will want.

  • Bring a buddy. It’s more fun that way! Or at least make sure someone knows where you’re going/what you’re doing.

  • Start small. You might last 5 seconds the first time, but then 10 seconds the next!

  • Allow yourself to gasp for air at first. It will likely happen anyway! Then you can try to calm your breathing. The first few times in unknown water can be a little spooky! That eventually fades (until you see a muskrat or a fish).

  • Hold your hands under your armpits. It makes it easier.

  • Change out of your wet clothes ASAP. Or go nude if you find some place private!

  • Bring at least 2 towels. One to stand on and one to dry off.

  • Make sure your clothes are nice and loose. No need to struggle putting on leggings in the cold after your plunge!

  • Bring easy footwear to slip into. Warm socks help!

  • Consider water shoes. I don’t personally use them, but I can see the benefit in them.

  • Say hi to the fish.

  • Go home and take a hot shower. It will be the best of your life!


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